Thursday, April 7, 2016

Review: How to Ditch Dead Guys (The Witch's Handbook Book 2)

How to Ditch Dead Guys (The Witch's Handbook Book 2)How to Ditch Dead Guys by Ann M. Noser
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Me, when I opened the email
saying I received this book.

I was in the middle of a really great book when I read the email, otherwise I would have been writing this review yesterday. I started it this morning and finished it this afternoon. It went by so quickly, I couldn't believe it...and now the wait for the third book begins. It'll be worth it, I'm sure.

Minor spoilers beyond this point.

How to Ditch Dead Guys starts off with Emma feeling pretty down. She's been left without any of the (dead)friends she'd come to care for. Walker doesn't really help because he also leaves, chasing a lead in Steve's murder, but soon he is back and asking her for help in solving some new murders.
There are some things in life that witchcraft can't fix. Sometimes, witchcraft makes everything worse.

I feel like this was the theme for the majority of the book. Every time she figured something out, there was the bad guy to stop her.

Soon after casting the spell to reveal the first murder something starts whispering in her ear. The murder scene is something only she can see this time around, they are brutal, and she can't say anything about it. Every time she attempts to tell Walker what's going on, this thing that has been talking to her is threatening her life, and the people around her.

The book follows Emma through murder scenes, tracking down a murderer and family secrets revealed. New and old friends make appearances and enough questions were answered to keep me satisfied until the next book—which I absolutely can't wait for. I want to see her come into her powers, to know more about the Faded Witch and to see Emma kick some Cobra butt!

I did receive this book from Curiosity Quills Press for an honest review.

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