Texas Destiny by Lorraine Heath
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Picked this up on
GooglePlay for $1.99 on 03.01.16
while trying to find another western I read quite a few years ago. Still can't remember the name of the other book.
Spoilers towards the end of the review.
I enjoyed this book and will probably pick up the others in this series at some point.
I started Texas Destiny last night before I went to bed, finished it this morning. A quick read with likable characters, each with their own grim pasts.
Houston and Amelia meet for the first time at the train station in Fort Worth. Dallas, Houston's brother and Amelia's intended, broke his leg the day before he was supposed to leave to meet her. Leaving Houston to travel a three week journey to collect Amelia in his stead.
Their travels are strewn with mishaps, as Amelia called them, doubling the time it should take and allowing the characters time to get to know each other, and become quite close. I thought that I would dislike reading about the journey because I expected it to drag, but I actually wouldn't have minded a few more days written in.
They arrive at Dallas' property, Houston sends up smoke signs from their camp fire, signaling his brother, and what he intends to be the end of thier time alone together. His brothers and a couple ranch hands ride out to meet them, and they continue onto the ranch.
Amelia continues to send looks his way every time Houtson is near and constantly brings up things that they talked about during the trip, which Dallas notices. I mean, the girl did just spend almost two months with him. She's asked him so many questions along the way that she's probably already talked about any and everything with Houston.
I didn't expect for Amelia to actually marry Dallas, but it happens and only when he's about to die does Houston finally tell her he loves her.
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