Dreamscape: Saving Alex by
Kirstin Pulioff
My rating:
4 of 5 stars
★ ★ ★ ½
Phew! It took me forever to finish this book. Okay, it actually only took eight days, but that's a really, really long time for me to read a book.
BUT BUT BUT It's not the books fault. I went out of town, managed to catch a stomach virus and had some pretty intense allergies,
all at the same time. All I wanted to do was lay in bed and watch crappy reality tv until I felt better. Which I did...half of the time.
Spoilers beyond this point.
Dreamscape: Saving Alex starts off with Alex having a pretty crappy day. Her long time crush has asked her to the prom, she finds out she's moving before the prom, then learns her crush knows and has already asked someone else,
without even telling her first. Jerk. Good riddance! Although Alex doesn't see it that way. She's heartbroken, and she and her BFF spend the night playing a beloved childhood game. Natalie, the BFF, doesn't last and soon Alex is attempting to play-on solo through the night to forget her worries.
Some wrong buttons, gold pixels and BAM! Alex is dropped into the game.
It takes her a bit to actually believe she's in the game. Some pinches, an unfortunate death and a wrong way convinces her, and she knows she needs to get moving. Along the way she finds herself in the company of the jugglers Pipes and Deakon. Whom inform her that she is The Golden Hero, here to save...everyone. The queen, and all her subjects. She takes advantage of this. They help her along to Lindle, a place promising food, clothing and maybe a way home. Really this only leads to her narrowly escaping capture and throws her back out on her own.
My mind kept wondering during the descriptions of Lindle and many descriptions throughout the book. I usually enjoy when books are descriptive, painting a picture for my imagination. It was probably my allergies.
Soon she meets a cute boy named Arrow, and some giants. She saves herself, and they argue a bit about how he wants her to come with him.
"Lucky for you, I'm an expert in these woods, and I know exactly where I'm going to take you."
Thought every serial killer, ever.
Warning bells sounded in my mind. Cute or not, I was not going off with a guy I had just met.
This was one of my favorite lines in the book because--common sense!
Then she realizes that she really doesn't have that many other options. She
can continue on without him, but what does she really know about this place? Where is she even going to go? And, ya know, plot.
So they continue on their journey getting to know each other. Eventually meeting up with more people in Arrows rebellion, and continuing on to their home base.
I really liked how she was actually in pain over the long travel distance. Made it more believable for me.
Their relationship goes back and forth, similar to her commitment to actually help the people of the rebellion. Some of the rebels experience this non-commitment and aren't shy about letting her know how they feel.
"You're like spoiled cheese-only parts of you are good."
She eventually wins them back over and she chooses to help everyone out. The only thing I didn't really care for was the ending.
I wanted them so badly to end up together. The ending made absolute sense. I just wanted a miracle. Like, she comes out of the game, moves and meets Arrow in her new town. Some how, some way.
Maybe in a sequel?? Probably not, but I'd really like to read about her move and about how her relationship with her parents changes after her experience in the game.
So overall I liked this book, I wanted to know what happened and I would definitely read a sequel.
I received this book free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
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